
How Much Does it Cost to Build an OTT app like Stan?


OTT App Development
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Over-the-Top (OTT) streaming platforms have changed media consumption by providing a broad selection of material. High-quality OTT apps are in demand as consumers want individualized entertainment. Stan, a popular Australian streaming service, has won over consumers with its large library and user-friendly interface. With a remarkable 11.2 million visits, Stan has successfully captured a broad audience, generating impressive annual revenues ranging from $100 million to $200 million. 

But how to develop and what is the OTT app development time?

This blog is the answer. This detailed blog covers how much does it cost to build an OTT app, major features, and revenue options. Understanding the complexities of establishing an OTT app can help you succeed as an entrepreneur or established business trying to enter the streaming market. 

Let’s discuss how to build an engaging OTT platform for today’s audiences!

What is an OTT App Like Stan? 

Over-The-Top (OTT) apps circumvent cable and satellite TV to deliver media content directly to users over the internet. This model allows smartphone, tablet, smart TV, and computer users to watch videos on demand. OTT apps might be subscription-based, ad-supported, or both. They usually have a simple interface, content recommendations, tailored experiences, and offline watching. OTT platforms have changed the entertainment industry by letting users select what to watch and when, encouraging a more customized and flexible consumption model.

Stan, Australia’s largest OTT platform, offers various unique features that improve user experience and set it apart from competitors. Stan is known for its large content repository. The portal offers many original shows, movies, and licensed material. Stan emphasizes Australian elements to suit local tastes. Stan has devoted customers due to its localized services.

Stan invests in high-quality original programming and varied content. The platform wins honors for its exclusive shows and documentaries. This method boosts Stan’s appeal and helps it compete with Netflix and Disney+. Stan’s intuitive design makes searching for titles and discovering new material easy. Simple and accessible design improves viewing on the platform.

Key Features of an OTT App Like Stan

Developing an OTT platform like Stan requires a well-rounded set of features that cater to user needs and enhance the overall viewing experience. Below, we outline the essential components that contribute to the effectiveness and popularity of such applications.

User Registration and Authentication

A proper registration and authentication process for the users play an important role in OTT app development. Registration should be possible through email, social media accounts, or phone numbers so that new users can sign up as fast as possible. 

Moreover, using secure authentication methods like two-factor authentication makes the system more secure while remaining user friendly. A strong authentication system is not only a guarantee of the security of users’ information but also helps to build individual accounts to enhance the relevance of the content offered.

Content Library Management

The application should enable the uploading of video content and its categorization and tagging to be easily done. This encompasses allowing management of descriptions, release date, and genre of a product, which aids in enhancing the searchability. It also makes the shows and movies easy to find for the users hence increases the chances of users coming back for more.

Video Streaming and Downloading

One of the most essential OTT app features is outstanding quality of the video stream. The app should be adaptive streaming to bring the best quality of video depending on the internet connection of the user. 

Moreover, the availability of a download option enables the users to download the content for their future viewing, which will be useful for those who have limited internet connection. This functionality is especially helpful in markets where mobile data usage is higher than broadband usage, so that people can consume content at their own discretion.

Search and Filter Options

The search and filter features are developed to support the viewer’s experience, giving an ability to find the content they are interested in. Additional filtering features, including most popular, newest or highest rated content, enhance content access. There should be a search bar with auto-completion and voice search to improve the usability of the site. These features are crucial to keep the user engaged and spend more time on the platform.

Payment Gateway Integration

Ensuring that an OTT app has secure and diverse payment options is important when it comes to monetization. Credit/debit card payments, digital wallets, and bank transfers should be integrated so users have a huge choice of payment. A good payment gateway and OTT app monetization strategies should be secured to handle the transactions of the users, thus making them subscribe to the services. It is crucial to know that for better monetization, the app might benefit from providing trial periods, or subscription-based models.

Multi-Device Support

In order to achieve the highest level of user interaction, an OTT app should be compatible with smart TV, smartphones, laptops, and tablets. This convenience enables users to shift from one device to another without interruption of their programmes. Thus, the continuation of subscribers and the increase in the frequency of use depend on the maintenance of a single user interface across multiple platforms. This is because, apart from being attractive to a large audience, a design that can easily adapt to the various screen sizes is the best solution.

Personalization and Recommendation Engine

It is crucial to understand that users’ satisfaction highly depends on the kind of view they get to see. By incorporating a recommendation system that considers the user’s viewing pattern the app is able to recommend suitable content. This helps engage the users and make them search for more content in the content library. OTT app development can benefit from data analytics, and platforms can use it to design an appealing experience for users.

Push Notifications

Push notifications are essential for user engagement. Updates, promotions, and show reminders can be sent via notifications. Notification frequency must be balanced to avoid overloading users. Notifications tailored to user preferences boost engagement and satisfaction.

Security Features

OTT platforms need strong security in an age of data breaches. DRM prevents content piracy. End-to-end encryption protects app transactions and interactions. Developers can reduce churn by prioritizing security and user trust and IP protection.

Developers can build a competitive OTT app like Stan that fits modern viewers’ needs and provides a rich and engaging user experience by including these important elements. Budgeting and planning for OTT app development cost, especially for video streaming apps, requires knowing the cost of each feature. An OTT app development cost breakdown will reveal which features are necessary and which may be added as the platform grows.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Developing an OTT App Like Stan

When determining the OTT app development cost, several key factors impact the overall budget. Below are the primary considerations.

Platform (iOS, Android, Smart TV)

The platform also determines the cost and can be either iOS, Android or Smart TV. Different platforms need different development languages, tools and testing. Constructing for multiple platforms is costly and complicates the process, thus businesses have to decide depending on the target market and objectives. But Smart TV development, especially, requires more specific work.

Development Team and Location

The costs are different depending on whether you have your own team or you cooperate with an OTT app development company. In-house teams are expensive in overheads, while outsourcing to Eastern Europe or Asia is cheaper. Different countries have different rates for developers which affects the overall budget for OTT app development thus location is a major consideration.

Features and Complexity

Every feature added to the product is costly, and the more complex the features, the higher the development cost. Simple operations such as streaming and user registration are cheaper compared to features such as multi-device compatibility, recommendation system, and real-time analysis. Reducing the number of features in a product or service has the advantage of controlling the budget.

UI/UX Design

UI/UX is another essential aspect influenced by user satisfaction and engagement, therefore, should be well developed. Basic shapes are cheap but complex, unique shapes add to the cost of development. High-quality UI/UX investment increases the likelihood of users sticking around in the highly competitive OTT environment Stan is in.

Backend Development

Data management, APIs, and servers are critical components of streaming services, and backend infrastructure deals with all of them. The costs rise depending on the complexity of features and the maximum number of users. A properly designed backend structure is necessary for a large number of contents and users, which affects the cost to build a video streaming app.

Security and Compliance

Applying such measures as DRM and encryption is rather expensive but without them, the content and the users’ data can be stolen. Other costs include additional development costs that come with compliance to international data privacy laws like the GDPR. These investments are necessary to avoid cases of leakages of users’ information and legal complications that may demoralize the users.

Third-Party Integrations

The use of third-party services such as payment gateways, analytics, and streaming tools increases development costs. Sufficient payment security and analytics are crucial for users’ transactions and data analysis. Many of these integrations have recurring costs but are essential for providing a full user experience and revenue generation.

Estimated Cost Breakdown for Building an OTT App Like Stan

The cost of developing an OTT app like Stan depends on the features, platform, and approach to development. Here we provide an estimate of the costs of creating a simple and complex OTT app, as well as the difference between creating an MVP and a full-scale application.

Basic Version: Feature List & Cost Estimation

A minimum set of features in a video streaming app development is user registration, content library, video streaming, and straightforward search capabilities. This version is ideal for businesses that want to enter the market as fast as possible and see how their idea is received.

  • Core Features: User authentication, video streaming, content management, search and filter, simple design.
  • Estimated Cost: A bare-bone OTT app would cost anything between $30000 to $60000 depending on the platform iOS, Android, Smart TV and the cost of the developers.

Advanced Version: Feature List and Cost Estimation

A third generation OTT app has added features such as recommendation systems, cross-platform compatibility, download capabilities, payment integration, and security measures. This version is meant for firms that are already in operation, and which seek to provide a diverse and robust user experience that can hold its own against competitors.

  • Core Features: All the features of the basic plan, plus the ability to personalize the content and build a recommendation engine, the possibility of streaming across multiple devices, the option of downloading content for offline viewing, secure payment options, detailed analytics, and customization of the user interface. 
  • Estimated Cost: An advanced OTT platform can take anywhere between $100,000 to $150,000 considering features, design, and multi-channel support.

Approximate Cost Range

Therefore, the cost of OTT app development is between $30000 to $150000, and one has to bear a few extra bucks for maintenance, hosting, and content license. The costs can be expected to be higher in case of multiple platform targeting or incorporation of features like AI-driven recommendations or engaging content.

Cost Comparison Between MVP and Full-Scale Development

MVP means that only the basic set of functions is implemented to create an app and attract the first users. This is the most efficient approach to entering this market; MVP costs are between $30,000 and $50,000. A full-scale development, which involves all the possible features, individual approach, and ability to scale, can cost between $100,000 and $150,000. MVP strategy enables businesses to confirm the market’s reception of their product and find funding before committing fully to the project.

Considering the project scope and selecting the right development strategy will help businesses control OTT app development cost breakdown and improve investment for sustainable business development.

Ongoing Costs to Keep Your OTT App Running

After you launch your OTT app, there are many recurring expenses that are essential to keep your application running and growing.

Server and Hosting Costs

Streaming in its turn depends on the availability and capacity of the servers used. The cost of hosting depends on traffic and content; cloud hosting such as AWS charges between $1000 to $10000 per month. These are costs that increase with the number of users in your platform.

Maintenance and Updates

Updates are important to fix bugs, for security purposes, and new additions to the software. It will cost you 15-20% of the initial development cost per year to maintain the app working and compatible with new devices and new versions of the OS.

Marketing and User Acquisition

To ensure that your users increase, you need to set aside money for marketing and promotional tools. The cost of acquiring users can be between $10,000 and $50,000 per annum depending on the target audience and competition level.

Content Licensing

Licensing premium content will cost an organization a lot of money and may go as high as $5,000 per title to millions. This way the interest of the users is sustained and the costs of licensing are controlled through the inclusion of both licensed and locally produced material.

Budgeting for these recurring expenses helps to achieve sustainable and growth of the OTT app.

Timeframe for Building an OTT App Like Stan

When building an OTT app like Stan, the timeline for each phase—from planning to launch—directly impacts the overall OTT app development cost.

The planning stage usually lasts 2-4 weeks to define an app’s purpose and functionality, and hasty decision-making during this phase will inevitably result in additional costs. Design takes roughly 4-6 weeks, with the emphasis on creating an easily navigable interface; skimping on design can lead to costly redesigns after the site’s launch. 

Development is the longest phase, which can take 3 to 6 months; however, the time is dependent on the feature complexity: additional features take more time and money. It takes roughly 2-4 weeks to test the app to make sure that it functions properly, while if testing is not done properly, then it results in more problems and costs after the app is launched. 

Lastly, the launch phase takes 1-2 weeks during which an unplanned and unorganized launch may lead to higher marketing and user acquisition costs.

In general, developing an OTT app like Stan may take 6 to 12 months; however, it may take more time to cost more, but if the company tries to hurry, it might cost more in the future.

OTT App Development

 Monetization Strategies for OTT Apps Like Stan 

Monetizing an OTT app like Stan is crucial to generating revenue and sustaining the platform over the long term. Various monetization strategies can be implemented, each offering unique benefits depending on the app’s target audience and business model. 

From subscription-based models to ad-supported content, choosing the right approach will directly impact the app’s revenue and user experience. 

Below is a breakdown of OTT app monetization strategies:

Monetization Strategy Description Advantages
Subscription Model Users pay a recurring fee (monthly/yearly) for unlimited access to content. Predictable, steady revenue; strong user retention.
Pay-Per-View Users pay for individual pieces of content (e.g., movies, live events) as they consume them. Suitable for exclusive or premium content; flexible for users.
Advertisement-based Monetization Users can watch content for free, with ads displayed during playback. Wide audience reach; no barrier to entry for users.
Hybrid Model Combines subscriptions and ad-based content, offering ad-free premium tiers and ad-supported free access. Maximizes revenue from both ads and premium users.


How to Reduce OTT App Development Costs – Tips & Best Practices

One of the most crucial questions that businesses have when developing OTT mobile app is how to minimize the expenses linked with the development of a high-quality app. Here are some practical tips to help cut down on expenses while ensuring you build an OTT app like Stan:

  • Select the Right Development Partner: OTT app development is best done with the help of a competent app development company that can work within the scope of your budget and meet your goals. Hire developers who have experience in custom OTT platform development since they will offer the best solutions and reduce the possibility of time wastage or mistakes that can be costly. 
  • Start with an MVP (Minimum Viable Product): Instead of having a complete app with all the features at the start, create an MVP with the bare minimum of features such as user login and simple video playback. This allows testing of the market fast and reduces development time. You can add more options in the future which will save your money at the beginning and enter the market as soon as possible. 
  • Leverage Third-Party Tools: Do not reinvent the wheel when it comes to some of the features – use third-party services for such things as payment processing, video compression, or user analytics. These features can be implemented from existing templates and this saves time and money to develop them while at the same time providing quality solutions. 
  • Opt for Cloud-Based Solutions: Instead of investing in server and data center, go for cloud solutions like AWS, Google Cloud for hosting and storage. These platforms are flexible, affordable and do not require a huge initial investment on physical infrastructure. 
  • Prioritize Features: Concentrate on the significant elements that create a great user experience and the highest value for the money. It is also important not to come up with so many features that will bring about the extra cost of development and time to complete the OTT app. The idea is that you can always update the app and add more sophisticated functions as soon as it becomes popular.

OTT app development costs can be managed and controlled to ensure that you offer a competitive product to the market if you choose the right strategies carefully.

Why Partner with Esferasoft for Your OTT App Development?

Choosing Esferasoft as your OTT app development company means that you will be able to take advantage of our vast experience in custom OTT app development that meets your business objectives. Our well-experienced team has completed several projects in the OTT segment, using advanced solutions and industry standards to design highly interactive interfaces. By choosing us, you’ll enjoy:

  • Premium quality at affordable service cost. 
  • An experienced player in the OTT app market.
  • Tailored solutions that match your business needs market trends.
  • Continuous support during all the developmental stages.

With Esferasoft, you can start your OTT adventure and be sure that you will not be alone on this way.

The End Note

Cost to build a video streaming app like Stan involves a good sum of cost and market research. From planning, designing, and developing app to the cost of maintenance, and licensing of the content that will be posted, it is necessary to consider the costs. It’s possible to build a strong foundation for your app with the help of correct monetization strategies and minimum development costs.

If you are interested in the next level of development of your OTT app, don’t wait, reach us today! Get a comprehensive quote and find out how our team at Esferasoft can make your dream a reality. Together, let’s build a strong streaming platform!


How much does it cost to build an OTT app like Netflix or Stan?

The cost of developing an OTT app can take anything between $30000 to $150000 depending on the features, the complexity of the application, and the location of the development team. Other variables that go into the final price include the platform selection and the design of the platform as well.

What are the key features required for an OTT app?

The basic requirements for an OTT application are user sign-up, content catalog, video playback, payment option, compatibility with multiple devices, and recommendation system to improve the user experience.

How long does it take to develop an OTT platform?

OTT platform development usually takes between six months to one year based on features, design, and the development process selected. Every step from planning to launch is important for the overall time management.

How can I monetize my OTT app?

OTT app monetization can be done through paid apps, pay per view, advertisement, or even a combination of all of them to get the best of all worlds and still provide for the audience’s preferences.

OTT App Development

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